Zarqa University Students Participate in Welcoming His Majesty King Abdullah II During His Visit
Date 5/26/2024 9:53:36 AM

Zarqa University took part in extending a warm welcome to His Majesty King Abdullah II during his visit to Zarqa Governorate on Tuesday. Numerous students, faculty, and staff members joined in this event. Acting upon the direct instructions of Dr. Mahmoud Abu Shaera, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zarqa Educational and Investment Company, university buses commenced their journey in the morning to transport students, faculty, and staff members wishing to participate in welcoming His Majesty King Abdullah II at the reception venue in Sharq City.

Professor Dr. Nidal Al Ramahi, the President of the University, conveyed the university’s joy over this esteemed royal visit. The atmosphere was filled with joy and festivity across the governorate since the early hours, commemorating the arrival of His Majesty King Abdullah II and his esteemed Crown Prince to Zarqa.

During the visit, His Majesty the King honored Zarqa University with the Silver Jubilee Medal, which was received by Dr. Mahmoud Abu Shaera, recognizing the university's significant contribution to Jordan's educational sector and its support for the local community in pursuing their educational endeavors.

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