The King Bestows the Silver Jubilee Medal on Zarqa University... It was Received by Dr. Abu Shaira
Date 5/26/2024 9:49:54 AM

Zarqa University - The King bestowed the Silver Jubilee Medal on Zarqa University... and it was received by Dr. Abu Shaira

His Majesty King Abdullah II bestowed, on Tuesday, the Silver Jubilee Medal on Zarqa University, and it was received by Dr. Mahmoud Abu Shaera, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zarqa Education and Investment Company.

During the meeting, in the presence of His Highness Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II, notables and representatives of the people of Zarqa Governorate, His Majesty bestowed the Silver Jubilee Medal on Zarqa University in recognition of its contribution to serving the educational sector in Jordan, supporting the people of the local community to complete their educational journey, and obtaining local and international accreditations and quality certificates.

Zarqa Educational and Investment Company has witnessed development in the educational institutions it hosts (Zarqa University, Kindergartens and University Schools, and Zarqa Technical Intermediate College), with the aim of supporting the educational process in Zarqa Governorate, to be a pioneer at the local and Arab levels in serving the community and offering distinguished academic specializations.

Prof. Dr. Nidal Al-Ramahi, the University President, on behalf of the university staff, expressed his pride in the royal blessing of the university with the Silver Jubilee Medal and handing it over to Dr. Mahmoud Abu Shaira, which is considered a testimony of pride in the academic and societal status of Zarqa University.

Al-Ramahi stressed that Zarqa University and its institutions, Zarqa Intermediate Technical College, and the kindergartens and schools of Zarqa University are considered among the leading institutions locally and in the Arab world, and witnessed development thanks to the generous support of Dr. Mahmoud Abu Shaira, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zarqa Education and Investment Company, and his continuous care in developing facilities and faculties and creating distinguished academic specializations to serve the labor market and the local community.

He stressed that this honoring will push us to double our achievements in serving the local community in accordance with the lofty royal visions for developing communities.

He pointed out that this honoring is a tribute to all employees of the Zarqa Educational and Investment Company, and an appreciation of the efforts made by Dr. Mahmoud Abu Shaira in serving the local community.

In turn, the employees of the Zarqa Educational and Investment Company and the workers at Zarqa University, Zarqa Technical Intermediate College, and kindergartens and schools of Zarqa University congratulated the royal honoring and blessings of the Silver Jubilee Medal on Zarqa University and its receipt by Dr. Mahmoud Abu Shaira, which indicates the distinguished position that Zarqa University has reached among its peers locally and regionally.

The university students expressed their pride in the royal honoring of Zarqa University and their pride in their university, which has become among the elite of Jordanian and Arab universities, affirming their support for the Hashemite leadership and the leader, His Majesty King Abdullah II, and his faithful Crown Prince, raising the banner of arming themselves with science and knowledge for Jordan’s renaissance and development.

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