An Introductory Workshop about the Continuing Education Center Courses at Zarqa University
Date 12/18/2023 12:45:17 PM

Zarqa University's Center for Continuing Education held an introductory workshop on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 to inform students about the courses offered by the center.

Students from Zarqa University's faculty of Technological Engineering and Zarqa Intermediate Technical College's Department of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles attended the workshop.

The workshop included introducing participants to the courses offered by the center and the importance of practical training before joining the labor market to gain professional experience, as well as learn about the most prominent functional skills that graduate students must possess, and how to invest their time while studying.

Toyota specialists presented a lecture on advanced hydrogen-powered electric cars on the sidelines of the workshop.

Zarqa University works to hold courses to motivate, develop and refine students’ skills before graduation.

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