A. Radio and Podcasts.
1. Introduction
to the world of journalism and the types of journalism (audio, visual, print,
and digital).
2. Introduction
to journalism and media ethics
3. Introduction
to radio and the world of sound
4. Elements
of radio and the composition of radio work
5. Creating
the charisma of the broadcaster + practical application
6. The
art of radio and sound, radio presentation + practical application
7. Types
of radio programs + practical application
8. Writing
for radio + practical application.
Television, broadcasting and television production techniques.
1. Introduction
to the Origins of Television
2. Introduction
to the world of image
3. Introduction
to the world of news and field reporting
4. Introduction
to the types of visual journalism (variety programs, investigative,
documentary, short film, reports, breaks, advertisements)
5. Creating the
charisma of a TV presenter + practical application
6. Elements of
the screen and the composition of the television work
7. Preparing
and presenting TV talk shows and writing storyboards + practical application
8. Preparing
and presenting variety programs (talk shows) and writing storyboards +
practical app.
Modern Digital Media (Digital Media).
1. The social
media revolution and the emergence of digital journalism
2. Fundamentals
of photography and lighting + practical application.
3. Fundamentals
of storytelling + practical application.
4. Writing
digital content and setting up a storyboard + practical application.
5. Mobile
journalism and photo sequence writing + practical application.
6. Digital
editing and effects + practical application.
7. Introduction
to artificial intelligence, deep fake and rumor-making.
8. Types of
misleading and false news, and how to verify and deny them with artificial
intelligence applications + practical application.