Entrepreneurship and Small Business Diploma

Diploma Duration
9 Months (academic year)

Zarqa University Campus

Free Courses

Diploma Description

An advanced training diploma in business administration that qualified participants to comprehend the latest Concepts and application. This diploma also aids Participants in reaching higher leadership positions in Companies.IT is also beneficial for those who shift their career,as it includes different aspects of field management . The program is accessible at the center for continuing Education and community Center.

Diploma Topics

  • Human Resources Department 
  • public Relation 
  • Statistics principles 
  • Adminstrative application in computing
  • Modern business management 
  • Total Quality Management 
  • Strategic management 
  • principles of business administration 
  • principles of business administration 
  • Ethics of adminstrahve work
  • Researching methods in management 
Learning Outcomes
  • Experienced in markehng,public relations,funding,and others 
  • processing of data 
  • Adminstralive concepts in one”s job 
  • Strengthen individuals skills 
  • Distinguishing between actual and delusional problems at work.