Management and care of horses Diploma

Diploma Duration
9 Months (academic year)

Zarqa University Campus and gamdan center

Free Courses

Diploma Description

Equine caring, administration of horse racing, developing communication skills to deal with trainers, and organizing administrative files of the targeted activities.

Diploma Topics

  • Horses’ behaviors.
  • An introduction to equine health.
  • Equine management and care.
  • Practical equine caring- primarily stage.
  • An introduction of horse nutrition.
  • Horse facility.
  • Designing horse warehouse.
  • Horse structure and lameness.
  • Horse welfare.
  • Horse adaptation.
  • Horse nutrition- advanced stage.
  • Horse breeding.
  • Horse industrial management and safety.
  • Horses complementary.
  • Owning horses.
  • Primary horse training.
  • Horsing at ranch safely. (youth targeted)
  • Equine marketing.
Learning Outcomes
  • Working at equestrian colleges and animal welfare organization.
  • Stable administration.
  • Equine marketing.
  • Equine caring and equine researching.